Saturday, November 21, 2009

In Which I Am Only Marginally Successful at Avoiding Work

I have a fifteen to twenty page paper due Tuesday. I'm seriously considering taking the day off from work to work on it as well. I can't seem to get my thoughts in order on it. I have, however, discovered that I write better when I write everything out long-hand and then type it. There are too many distractions when I'm at the computer and I can't type very fast. I did manage a little today in between reading The Hound of the Baskervilles.
I need something interesting to watch on TV. I go to Hulu and watch old, canceled TV shows and then feel somewhat restless when there are no more episodes. I have far too many things I want to read. I can't seem to get my mind to slow down long enough to actually accomplish anything. I'm bored. I don't want to wait another year to be finished with school, I want to be out now. I want my own apartment. I don't mind living with my parents but I need to create my own space, one where I'm an adult. I want to eat meals when I want and not have to be quiet when I'm up late and wander around the place without any pants on. There really aren't many jobs out there though.
I'm still trying my hand at amatuer photgraphy though I have less time at the moment.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Today was quiet

I think I did absolutely nothing of value whatsoever today. I'm fine with that though because yesterday I sawed up a ginormous tree limb and hauled the pieces across the yard to the curb for pick-up and tomorrow I have work followed by school. De-installation of the third floor starts tomorrow and I really hope I'm posted up there. I love watching the curators and preparators work. Plus I get to sit down. School I'm not thrilled about. It's the last of the required classes and the professor is the newest faculty member. She's incredibly gung-ho despite having been given the most boring and least useful class there is. I am both appalled and excited by the challenge of writing a 15-20 page paper. Hopefully the textbook I ordered will arrive and I can finally do the required reading.
So today I played Indigo Prophecy on the ps2, ate too much ice cream and ditzed around on the interwebz. I found a new website called "My life is average" which has much entertainment potential. I checked my twitter feed and upped my posts from 8 to 9. The two women who had been following me are gone but they have been replaced by two men. How did they find me and why on God's green earth do they care what a complete stranger has to say in 140 characters about House of Leaves?
I should try and get a decent amount of sleep tonight.