Cataloging and Classification finally met today. Our professor did her level best to scare the crap out of us all but as we are already (technically) two classes in there is no way any of us are going to be switching classes.
I'm really very tired of school and at the same time I'm actually interested in the challenge posed by trying to plow through the rules contained in the AACR2R to create catalog records. Which is incredibly nerdy of me, but I except that.
I think people should shout out random things more often on the metro platform. I need more free, live entertainment.
I am running into a problem looking for a new job or an internship. Crappy economy and lack of confidence. I feel like I couldn't possibly do a real job while intellectually I know that's complete bull.
I have more books than I can read which is a happy situation. I just finished The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon. Paranoid and very mired in the decade it was written in I found it quick and interesting. Fun.
I've also found a new anime series to watch: Darker Than Black. It has incredibly gross moments but it's rather captivating. Interesting characters and an intriguing world.