You know what, if I can't say 'retard' anymore then all you all who aren't officially obsessive compulsive are no longer allowed to use the term to describe yourselves or others when you're only being slightly anal about something. It's a slight to those of us who have been diagnosed with and live every exasperating day with, OCD. Plus, it's just plain old fucking obnoxious.
ALSO! You are no longer allowed to use the words schizo, bi-polar, psychotic, or mental as insults as this is demeaning to those who officially bear these as labels. Nor is 'pussy' or 'gay' to be used as an insult against guys you feel are wusses as it is demeaning to women and homosexuals to have your gender or sexuality used as an insult. Just come right out with it and tell the person you're bullying that they have a pencil-dick, you linguistically impotent cowards. If you are going to insult somebody, do it right.
Of course, no one is going to listen to me anyway and it only pisses me off for about half-a-minute to have someone use my life-long disorder as a mildly funny insult, so: retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, retard, you word censurers are all fucking retarded. Get a life, duckfuckers. Seriously.