Sunday, November 18, 2018

Verizon Fios Review - Five Minutes of Phone Menus

My internet was down. I tried to call Verizon. Took five minutes to go through their byzantine phone menu. The recorded message kept trying to deter me from calling, telling me to go online to report a problem. You know, with the internet I didn't have. I was put on hold. After 15 minutes it cut me off. Tried to call again. Couldn't remember what esoteric combination of button presses got me to where I was. Kept asking me for my pin. Not sure where it is. Just want to say their service is down, not access payment options. They also throttle service but I'm complaining about their non-help number now not the fact that they don't give you entirely what you pay for. Service isn't bad generally.
But let's put it this way. Hope you never need help because while they charge you for service you may not be getting, they won't talk to you so you can get help.

I want to review the experience somewhere because it was so frustrating and made me feel so helpless but I don't want to sign up with another organization to complain. So I'll complain here. You want to give honest feedback on a shitty service but you have to allow access to your personal information to some other site and acquire yet another password. I'll post it here. No one will see it but it'll be out there.

I'm either going to take my mother for a walk or go back to playing Thief.

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