Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hindi in a Month - inside

So inside you find the normal parts of a language workbook: lists of vocabulary, exercises requiring you to translate short paragraphs, instruction on how the language is used. What's interesting is the choice of words for vocabulary and the example sentences used. An American or English book might not give you the translation for the castes or worry about whether you could say "Incarnation".

"Palpitating" is also not a word I would expect to learn in a beginner's course.

The vocab sections are broken up into examples of words starting with a certain written character and sections with a theme. Here's one on hygiene and self-care.

Here's a section on disease. Note: Fatness can be cured in 40 days.

There are also several pages with common sayings, many of which are familiar to me. Some of which are not.

Then grammar. Don't do it?

We have example sentences.

And here are sentences from the section on cloth.

A bit of instruction on fruit and vegetables.

Mangoes are mentioned quite a bit in the book. Mangoes are mentioned quite a bit in the book on Punjabi I also own. This is why I like seeing language books published elsewhere - they have a different flavor from what I am used to.

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