Saturday, November 23, 2019

Introductory Punjabi

The Language learning book with my most favorite example phrases is Introductory Punjabi, put out by Punjabi University Patiala. Looks like the school is still around, too.

Introductory Punjabi. Punjabi University Patiala. Bahri & Walia. Cover.

I'm going to assume the authors listed were instructors there. Bahri appears to have written a few other texts on the language as well as one on Hindi.

Introductory Punjabi. Punjabi University Patiala. Bahri. Walia. Title page.

We even get the price the students had to pay for their textbook.

Introductory Punjabi. April 1968. Price: Rs, 2.00. Printing information.

WorldCat lists 3 different editions - this 1968 one, 1987 and 2003. 30 libraries have a copy including the Library of Congress.

This book is not actually for English speakers despite being in English.

Introductory Punjabi. Bahri. Walia. 1968. Preface page.

So this text isn't truly complete as is. You need familiarity with Punjabi cultural items and a native speaker to listen to and practice with.

Introductory Punjabi. Bahri. Walia. Note on pronunciation and orthography.

The back cover of the book just has the price again. It's 114 pages and 22 by 14cm.

Next post will be the interior.

1 comment:

  1. It provides such amazing information the post is really helpful and very much thanks to you Punjabi university Patiala
